1   EGG- the egg is the first stage of some aliens lifes. the egg contains a face hugger the second stage of alien life. the egg opens whe a pertenshal host is near.

3   CHESTBURSTER- the chestburster is the third stage in any aliens life. This hatches from the egg that the facehugger lays. oce it has hatched it waits till the host is still and it eats it way out of the host's chest once out it eats the remains and once it is full it cocoons itself and will eventuly turn into a alien with acid blood. A bit like a horrible carnivours butterfly .

 5   DRONE- the drone is the final stage for this alien. The drone is an armoured basic worker alien who specializes in collecting food or hosts.

7   WORRIER- this is the final stage for this alien. the worriers are the fighters of the hive. these specialize in tail fighting/wiping and melee combat.

9   RAVENGER- this is the final stage for this alien. the ravenger is the ultimate fighter it is the second bigest alien at 10 meters. it has 3 meter long cuveing blades atached to its arms and strong armour. these specialize in defence and atack .

11   ROYAL GUARD- this is the final stage for this alien. the royal guad is the bigest of all the aliens it is 23 meters. these are used to protect the queen but they can fight. they have three inner mouths in order to rech the target and they can't die of old age. these specialize in protecting the queen

13   QUEEN- this is the final stage for this alien. the queen is the leader of the hive. it is third bigest it is 8 meters tall. it sends out comands telepathicly to the her minions. these specialize in laying eggs and commanding.


2   FACEHUGGER- the face hugger is the second stage of some aliens lifes. It's purpose is to grab on to the host's face and knock them out and lay a second smaller egg that stop in the chest of the host witch will later mature into a chestburster. After the facehuggers layd the egg it drops off and dies. the type of secondiary egg vearys  on the host a drone if it facehuggs a civillean, a runner/dog alien if the host is an animal,a predalien if the host is a predator, a praetorian if the type of egg is a praetorian egg and the same with a royal guard.   

4   COCOON- the cocoon is the forth stage in any aliens life witch contians the chestburster while it changes from a chestburster to a alien.

6   RUNNER / DOG ALIEN- this is the final stage for this alien. these two are nearly egsactly the same the only differents is there speed as you would of probly imagend the runner is the fastest. These two specalize in speed and spitting acid.

8   PREDALIEN- this is the final stage for this alien.these are the heavy weaponry aliens they also have an inner mouth witch can lay eggs inside the hosts chest just like the facehugger. these specialize in intelligence and energy.

10   CARRIER- this is the final stage for this alien. the carrier is disined for carrieing facehuggers to a location far from the hive.these are the fourth bigest at 7 meters. these specialize in strenth.

12   PRAETORIAN- this is the fifth stage for a praetorian. these are like princes these have five paths to follow one is to turn into a ravenger ,two is to turn into a carrier ,three is to turn into a royal guard ,four is to turn into a rival queen and five is to stay a praetorian. these specialize in agility.

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